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CHO Lab Cosmos Organic Charte rating

Light Face Scrub

Sale price€51,00

Objective : Free the skin of dead cells and imperfections with each use.

Real organic fluffable scrub with acai and cupuaçu berries (new formula). Thanks to its cream texture, the dead cells of your skin soften and are then recovered using the grains that melt on contact with the skin and begin to fluff. The skin texture is tightened and the skin is immediately brighter and softer.

Skin Type : All Skin Types

Recommended age : 18 to 99 years old

Application : Once a week for oily skin and mature skin. Once a month for sensitive skin. Twice a month for others.

Layering Step : 2 - Cleaning

Pochon peau neuve - CHO Nature
Light Face Scrub Sale price€51,00


Gommage Visage Lumière - CHO Nature
  • The assets

    Acai and cupuaçu berry powder: Acai and cupuaçu are two Amazonian fruits known for their antioxidant properties. The powder from their berries gives a double texture to the scrub, both gentle due to the fine granulometry of acai and stronger due to that of cupuaçu. .

    Jojoba oil: discovered in the 18th century, it was used by the California Indians, its composition is very similar to that of human sebum which it also regulates. It is known for its nourishing, rehydrating and softening properties. It is an excellent anti-wrinkle.

    Sesame oil: known for over 3,000 years for its virtues, it is rich in essential fatty acids, which gives it moisturizing, restructuring and softening properties for the skin. Antioxidant, it protects against UV rays.

    Fine lavender essential oil:A powerful skin healer, it is a cellular regenerator. It is also used to soothe the skin against external aggressions.

  • Scrub and Mask

    We recommend doing a scrub every two weeks and a mask every week (or more if your skin is very dehydrated). First do the scrub and then the mask. Otherwise, apply the mask directly to previously cleansed skin.

    Light Scrub: apply the product in a thin layer and let it penetrate for 2-3 minutes then rub off. Then rinse.

    Radiance Mask: Apply it in a thick layer and let it penetrate for 10 minutes. Then rinse.

  • The CHO gesture

    FEEL: put a small amount of scrub on your fingers, rub the fingers of both hands to slightly warm the product and breathe it in deeply.

    FEED/COMMUNICATE: To be used on dry skin, after thoroughly removing make-up from the skin. Apply the scrub to the forehead, bridge of the nose, chin, cheeks and neck. Leave on for a few minutes. Smooth lightly and gradually, the skin will be freed of its impurities.

    FEEL: before washing your hands, breathe into your palms. Our formulas and gestures are designed to optimize their physical and psychological effectiveness. Rinse your face well to remove all impurities and grains. Apply the mask or a beauty oil

  • Le Layering C-H-O

    Partant du principe qu’aucun produit ne peut répondre à tous les besoins de la peau avec efficacité, il convient d’utiliser un produit par besoin. Cette philosophie venue d’Asie considère qu’il faut mettre autant de « couches » (=layer, en anglais) que nécessaire. Le layering C-H-O est composé aujourd’hui de 7 étapes à faire tous les jours. Il est important d'y aller progressivement et d'ajouter un produit à la fois à votre routine pour laisser à votre peau le temps de s’habituer et de réagir. La peau met 21 jours à se renouveler, laissez lui donc le temps de se faire à un nouveau produit.

    Étape 1 : Le démaquillage

    Étape 2 : Le nettoyage

    Étape 3 : Le contour des yeux

    Étape 4 : L'hydratation

    Étape 5 : Le traitement

    Étape 6 : La nutrition

    Étape 7 : La protection

  • Ingredients


    *Ingredient from organic farming,**Processed from organic ingredients, ***Derived from essential oils, ****Preservative

  • Poem "Be pure as the dew" by Charles GUÉRIN

    “Be pure as the dew,

    Like the sky you reflect;

    Be light to the broken herbs,

    Trembling soul of the poet.

    Color yourself with the blood of dawn,

    Sparkles like tears on the eyelashes of the leaves;

    And if roses gather you,

    Let a virgin pick these roses.

    Be bright and resigned,

    Refresh the foot that is squeezing you;

    Smile in the hostile sun, hem

    Spider rosettes:

    Like the cold and radiant

    Dew intoxicates the cicadas,

    The poet's sadness, waters

    The harmonious concert of souls"